Originally Posted by charosian
I too plan to apply this year for 2009, I should be completed with my degree in August this year. I was wondering if anyone could give pointers on the letter of intent?
Can you give a few details?
The biggest mistake people make is write about why the JET Program will be great for them. "I really want to see the world and become more worldly and this will help me become a better-rounded person." Wrong, wrong and wrong.
Go with: "I have always enjoyed working with and being around children. With this opportunity I will be able to give children a chance to practice English with native speaker and give them insights as to what life is like in America (or Canada or where ever you are from)."
Also, don't talk about how you plan to innovate or revolutionaize the teaching systems already in place. Go with
"I look forward to working with and learning from my Japanese colleagues. Learning how to work with the unique group of students in each class will help me come up with lesson plans catered to meet their English needs as well as stimulate thier desire to learn."
Stuff like that.