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(#6 (permalink))
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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
Posts: 12,200
Join Date: Jun 2007
06-01-2008, 03:44 AM

Weddings are pretty lavish affairs, so if you can get into the photography business in Japan, I recommend it. People pay top-yen for almost everything at weddings (especially in Nagoya, for some reason). There is an old saying in Japan that goes "You are born Shinto, marry Christian and die Buddhist". What it means that although less than 1% of the population is Christian, but most people have Christian (or western style) weddings.

Photography in Japan is surely the same as it is most places. A lot of people have their weddings at hotel "chapels" which are basically an area in a hotel especially designed to host weddings. They are usually package deals, using the hotel catering, bar, staff and photographers.

Since you are Australian you might want to look into a Working Holiday Visa at a hotel as a staff photographer. That would at least be a foot-in-the-door.
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