Thread: Get Arrested
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(#16 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
06-01-2008, 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
He does.

What many people don't understand is the KOBAN system. Instead of having all the cops sitting in one police HQ, in Japan they are spread out all over in tiny little offices called KOBAN. In a country with almost no guns and almost no drugs the need for SWAT-type personnel is minimal.

When is the last time you have asked a cop for directions in the US or UK? I never have. But I have probably done it a dozen times in the few years I lived in Japan.

So yes, they aren't trained to sleeper-hold people tripping on meth, and it is easier to see them as weaker in Western eyes...and in many ways they are weaker...but they are stronger in other ways that a trip to jail and playing with the windows in the back of the policecar probably won't show yo
I understand what you're saying... But, I still wouldn't exactly consider that a hobby.
A cop is still a cop.

I'm just being anal about his use of words.
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