Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Dec 2007
06-01-2008, 08:03 AM

*glomps back*
*puts pon to cover you*
O_O am I nakey too *covers herselt with shou body* X"D

yaaaaaay *starts the preparation*
I MUST DREAM THIS!!! *giggles*
*gievs tora privileges* O_O"

haha and I don't ever wanna show them
ID liked them but they're scary *hides again*
you should see his make up and his not like shou
yeah he should cause he has a nice tummy *licks* O_O

hehe it's just funny cause the word it's bothering me
*rips the priest uniform off of tora* X"D
am not a perv *acts like an angel*
see I'm innocent XP

he does sucks! BIG time >_>"

yeah I want blogs too like NOW
well they blogged but the translator it's so sloowww

awww and remember the shoxxx magazine with them and that car with mirror ball outfits...I read the interview,someone translated it
omg it was soooo cute <'33
it was daaamn long but I didn't care
I fell for shou even more,like that's even possible
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