Originally Posted by Tenchu
That is only popular for some people, and mostly not dedicated gamers who enjoy longer sessions on game machines.
I for one would be fucked if I want to wave my arms around in the ait like a faggot trying to play again. I often play at night, after a hard day doing stuff, I just want to lay back and relax, as little effort as possible aside pressing some buttons and stuff.
Is PS3 for me. I think the Wii is for younger gamers, mostly.
In a few of the 'hardcore' Wii games you don't have to use the Wii mote. Where I don't have to, I don't. Sometimes I just can't be bothered xD
Originally Posted by XjapanFOREVER
I know, but I don't care who you are, a 90 minute cut-scene is pushing it...
as someone stated somewhere else.....
"Would you like some video game to go with your movie?!"
Games like this can be really popular. Final Fantasy commonly has a fair few cutscenes, X2 even has a full music video at the start. Same with Devil May Cry - that has a fair few cutscenes aswell. Not sure how much the Final Fantasy cutscenes add up to though.