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odonata (Offline)
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Location: London
Soul Eater Anime 10/10 - 06-02-2008, 03:37 PM

I just started getting into Soul Eater after seeing an advert on TV for it.

OMG! OMG! I am giving an instant 10/10 rating.

The anime visual style is so well concieved into a kind of telly tubbies meets resident evil type affair.
You will see blood spew from a body and the be treated to a psychedelic rendition of the moon laughing. I really don't think I can explain this one without telling you to see it.
The action scenes are also very fast and the character design ranges from sweet through to hot to the outlandish.

Soul Eater -

Soul Eater is one of the most unique anime’s I have ever seen in the sense of graphics and story. The graphics are ultra-high quality, along with very interesting anime cut-scenes. Soul Eater has a little taste of everything an anime should have – a first-class story, superior graphics, a modest bit of pervert, and a VERY interactive world. Camera angle and character motions are very musical, flow very well with each other, and so on - which is of the biggest plus sides to this anime. The characters are very fun and surprising - which is a big part of the story.
10/10 ~ Epic.
You can find fansubs in the usual places.

Super Roboto Jutsu Powah - Dynamic Servo Death Crush *NeeP*
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