Originally Posted by allie2590
I would just like to commend you on how you presented this topic. Most people ask "which is better", but you asked "which do you prefer". By doing that, you avoided a console war.
Which is better is the same as which you prefer almost - because which console you believe to be better is the one which you prefer usually.
I admit that the Sony PSP's graphics are really good and it has a lot of extra features that the DS does not have, but similarly the DS has features that the PSP has not got either. People can say either features are crap, but that's not a matter of fact that's a matter of personal preference and I think people need to realise that
I, like a lot of gamers don't care as much for graphics and the technical aspects of a console, I much prefer the innovative and original experiane Nintendo provides. A lot of people brush this interaction as 'immature' and unsophisticated, but I think Nintendo has got a lot of balls to try out this stuff that no other company will. And I love what they have done with the DS, and so do the thousands of other people that purchased it and play it regularly. I have played the PSP and I also loved it, and although it is just like a fancy gameboy with disks and doesn't offer much new except for music and so on, which nearly every new gadget includes now [mobile phones etc.] it is a fun console to play and the graphics are very superior for a handheld. Both have good qualities and I think if you have the chance you should definatly play both and not disregard a console has totally crap ^_^