06-02-2008, 09:57 PM
This reminds me of the time when they were using the word "Thrust" in the roleplay area.
Yes it is a word that obviously needs to be x-nayed.....but the problem is that people might use the word one way or another....It's like saying you can't say shit....or fuck...and ass. And if you were to use the filter. When people try to make a point using those words, well sometimes it doesn't make sense. And besides even if there are underaged here, you can't really stop people from using the words, they're used anywhere in the world.
I suggest that those who don't like it when they see it....tell that person to refrain from using it. We'd be helping the mods in a way....I doubt they read thru hundreds of threads just to see who wrote the "rapes so and so".
It's a good idea, but we need to pitch in our help as well.
Property of Eiri & Pexster
Virtual Boyfriend...Hyakushi in *Indian suit*
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