Originally Posted by CoolNard
lol, yeah, ending the match with the ultimate attk really rockz XD~!
i seem to hv trouble digievolving into ultimate stage in world 1.. do u hv any advice or tips? O_O
OK....To get a Greymon,do not use the Gym,just fight without a single loss and give lots of food for weight,eventually a Greymon,then keep feeding but not too much and constant fighting,then you should get MetalGreymon,don't ask how,but I got Alieomon,the Alien Digimon,Ultimate level,it just happened.....To get the Teddy Bear Digimon,get a Numemon,then go to Toy Land,go to the house on the left and you'll see a suit of a teddy bear,only Numemon can fight into the suit,this automatically Digivolves your Numemon to the teddy bear Ultimate Level Digimon,have fun!(I WANT THIS GAAAAME!!!!!)