Thread: Utilities
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seaghyn (Offline)
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06-04-2008, 03:07 PM

I don't necessarily want to bring a US phone over though. If I go softbank and get the white plan, that's $10 a month, and if I keep to receiving, using the phone for things like, people to contact me with, as opposed to me calling people, I'm sure I can keep the bills down. As for family/friends etc back home, I do have a laptop to hook up at the wi-fi spots, and use skype there. The tilt is the same thing, just smaller with less functions. for 299.00 after mail in rebate on the tilt, I'm keeping my laptop for family and friends.

So what I'm really looking into is a webpage or something that has the model line-ups and the average prices. I checked softbank for example, and they have a sweet model line-up, but no prices.
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