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Hikikomori (Offline)
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Posts: 39
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: 千葉県、東金市
Au pair in Japan - 06-04-2008, 08:28 PM

Hello ; )
I'm 17 year old Norwegian girl and my plan is to work as an Au pair in Japan next year( July 2009-2010). I have already found a family that would love to have me as their Au pair, so almost everything is settled, except the most important part. I heard that japan don't have an Au pair system? So that Norwegian Au pair's won't get certificate of right of abode residence permit in Japan(or what to call it)..and then I read on the internet about the different VISA's I need and blablabla, and then it got kind of difficult, and my mom won't help me because it's one year in the future, and I know, I have a lot of time to figure it out. But I'm getting really nervous since I feel like I need to have everything clear.

So if anyone know something about this? anything? I would be soooo happy
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