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ivi0nk3y (Offline)
Calm Like A Bomb
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06-04-2008, 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by animelover32 View Post
Keep doing hunts and when your hunt level is upped (I forget what level you have to be at) but in the Rabenastere Bazzar you'll be able to buy them.
Yea thanks man. I actually found out earlier that you can buy the Teleport stones from the Muthru Bazaar for 200 gil each.
I've been walking all this time cos I thought hunts were the only way you could obtain them

Originally Posted by Catmint View Post
I'll re-word the part I mentioned about the real-time fighting. :3 The battles weren't random. I guess you could say that it was literally "real-time" as in you see an enemy and you run over to it and start hitting it. The screen doesn't go all fuzzy and force you into a battle. I guess that has nothing to do with real-time battle at all, though, does it? XD Sorry about that. ^_^;;
You can only have so many of the same type of battles throughout a host of games of the same name. I can't fault Square-Enix on the decision to make the battle system more like Kingdom Hearts. Puts more variety into a great series.
I do agree with you though because the battles make me remember earlier incarnations and I get quite nostalgic about em, wishing it was somewhat the same when you beat a boss with the music and everything. It just can't be helped the way they've made it though but they've done it well so I can't complain

Truth Hurts


Last edited by ivi0nk3y : 06-04-2008 at 11:12 PM.
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