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(#52 (permalink))
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XrachelleX (Offline)
i hold it not a sin
Posts: 224
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: ATLANTAS!!!!
06-05-2008, 12:48 AM

Now the number one issue is the economy, not terrorism. Bush's policies have literally sent 100's of thousands of jobs overseas, millions have lost their homes. Gas prices are up over 300% since he took office, and we give tax breaks to the oil companies which made records profits in the 10s of billions in the first THREE MONTHS of 2008 alone. The American people see this and are sick of it. It's not just me saying it. Bush has the lowest approval rating of a president EVER right now. That wasn't true four years ago.

its sad to say this, but i have to agree full out with this statement....sorry Mr.Bush....

pm me if ya wanna be in it

XrachelleX(miyuki)--the death master
emiluvsjmusic(emi)--the humanity taker
SHELKE17(tears of blood)--the tearing heart
auran(Hiugchi)--the cheer taker
NejimaCrazy(Matser X)-sanity destroyer
shinigami13(nemo)-memory hoader
zachart(domogoto killa)-destroyer of light
jene(angel without wings)-blue eyes dragon
court jester of (_) Boring club (_)

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