Originally Posted by RegPaq
Its in history that during time of war, the American people tend to reelect presidents, but i don't disagree with you ENTIRELY about that fear thing. This war has been long and even though we aren't really seeing effects in America like war activity, they are seeing a lot on their end. It has been ridiculously expensive and our debt has skyrocketed from clinton's time to bush's time, but that spending is inevitable in times of war. Our militia has done a lot over there, a lot. A lot of good things for not only our protection but other countries as well. Terrorism is in all countries and the largest group of terrorists are Muslim fanatics. In the past, there were a lot of 'free countries' or countries with lots of freedom. America is the last one and everyone knows it, you can't deny it. You can't deny America is a country where you can do anything. Its the most desired country to immigrate. That being said, this war is doing a lot of good at an expensive price, but that price is worth it. Its keeping our country free.
People say that we shouldn't have gotten into this war from the beginning? realllllyyyy. New York was attacked and thousands of people died. WE had to do something. If you know Americans, they don't take shit from no one. People from there 40s and up understand this. They saw how things worked from their parents time and from their childhood, especially from World War II. Most of them can understand that what we are doing over there is necessary, because freedom isn't free. Its expensive.
Look at us now. People want to leave their country to live in ours. We have the strongest economy, our hands are outstretched everywhere. People think we are in a recession, but more than half of the U.S. population doesn't know what a recession is. Or even what GDP is. Bush and our gov doesn't control gas prices. Its an imported good sold to us by foreign countries. The price is high because they can sell it high and higher. We just can't stop buying gas because the price is too high? gov tax on gas is something like +18 cents at the pump. GAS PRICES ARENT CONTROLLED BY BUSH OR THE GOV.
Lastly, Today, the younger generation (like me) are all brainwashed by the media. Wait don't blow up on this. Every single major media station whether it be CNN, FOX, or NBC and all those others including the LA and NY times are owned and controlled by liberals. FACT. look it up. Its so obvious, too. All the media is on Obama and Hilary. My generation watches a lot of TV and are easily influenced through advertising. Politics is all advertising. They are all liars. MTV is ridiculous, they advertise obama and hilarly like every ten minutes. Which reminds me what MMM said earlier. Something like 'obama has muslim ties so they would be less likely to attack us than if mccain were in office.' Im sorry but first can't you see that the muslim group is the one who attacked us in the first place and now your voting for one to be our president? hahahaha. Obama hasn't even had political experience. He's not going to know what to do besides listen to his advisors. Presidents are suppose to know what they are doing. they were originally also suppose to be war generals. Now, why the hell is congress all up in their business saying we have to approve before the president makes any movements on the battlefield. political correctness doesn't work. Muslim groups will have a key contact into the highest standing political figure and power in America. Everyone should be afraid of that. Why would Obama want to pull troops out? because the muslim groups he has ties to are telling him to (telling also consists of bribes on a humngous scale. haha you see his new house?) Whats his middle name again? like hussein or something. hahaha cmon people.
sorry for rant didn't mean to go on hahaha 
Wow... I disagree with you on so many levels.
Most of it's difference in perception (I disagree that the US is the most desirable country in the world to live in or the most "free", I also disagree that the war is a good idea and the media has a liberal bias) but you're implying that Obama is a Muslim which is COMPLETELY false. He's a Christian. Get your facts straight.