Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Wow... I disagree with you on so many levels.
Most of it's difference in perception (I disagree that the US is the most desirable country in the world to live in or the most "free", I also disagree that the war is a good idea and the media has a liberal bias) but you're implying that Obama is a Muslim which is COMPLETELY false. He's a Christian. Get your facts straight.
Im sorry for my implications. There obviously no way to tell what the most desired country to live in is, but it is FACT that the U.S. is the country with the highest immigrants formally (applicants - correct procedure) and informally (illegal immigration). It is also FACT that major media news stations and newspapers of which i listed are owned and run by liberals. But its our opinions on whether its biased. No one knows but himself what his true religion is. I didn't mean to imply that he is Muslim, sorry if I did. But he definitley has muslim ties.
I'm not a hypocrite either. I think everything i hear, everything i see, its all advertising. they want you to believe something, whether its true or false. No one knows whether its true or false, no one, besides God. So, from everything i know about politics, current events, and history is only what i heard and i can't say fact. Come to think of it statistics could be wrong to. I didn't count the applicants or illegal immigrants so i can't know. No one knows anything. we are all brainwashed by advertising and power, greedy hungry people.
But what I firmly believe in, is that God had a hand in forming of our country. It should stay how He intended it to be, but we keep trying to change it to be political correct. This war is protecting our rights and freedoms, the ones that God gave to us. So I will stand to protect it because I think God knows what He's doing. Thats my thoughts/revelation