Originally Posted by Tenchu
WTF is that suppose to mean? I dont know what is worse, the fact you are making jokes about something that is true, or that maybe you are joking because you are actually unaware that many muslims have blown themselves up in the south of this country, where I am. And explain themselves by saying that THEY are unable to coexist with 'corrupt' Thai culture...
I have seen a truck driving around Phuket with Osama Bin Laden pictures painted on it... fuck bags. They will get theirs for their insolence soon enough.
I was taking the PISS out of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't get it, then don't worry. Be happy
Not so sure about Obama anymore. His views on Jerusalem don't make sense. He said that it should stay part of Israel, and should stay undevided. I have two problems with that; first, he should just leave these kind of issues to be sorted out between the people of Israel and Palestine. I don't think he should concern himself with it, and he shouldn't make himself involved just to get more votes.
Secondly, if he thinks that Jerusalem is undivided, then he's not as smart as I thought he was