Thread: Utilities
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Henbaka (Offline)
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Location: Tokyo
06-05-2008, 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by seaghyn View Post
Okay, so in regards to the amount I use, I just need to stick to cooking as healthily and quickly as I can, quick but thorough showers, (probobly showers as opposed to baths.) and go to public places for the cooler atmosphere.

When I lived at the Sakura House Dorm in Sendagaya, I got by off of 39,000 Yen a month, and that was heating, ac, cooking, water, fridges, appliances, cable, internet, etc. The only down side was it was all shared, so good luck finding clean things to use, and there was no room in the dorm room (shared with 3 other people) to even keep your own dishes let alone cooking utensils.

This time, it's going to be 53,000 a month, and I don't think it includes utilities. So I just need to live as economically as possible if I want to keep it no more than 60,000 for the apartment.

As for cell phones, I'd really like to get cost info, I was looking at softbanks line-up, because of the student discount. You pay nothing a month for 3 years, free incoming, and free calling to other handsets between 2am-9pm. I am planning on getting a phone, but leaving it mainly for people to contact me than the other way around. 21Y for 30sec is kinda high. Similar to a payphone though, and I have some cards a friend gave me for calling.

So you think I can take care of housing for 60,000 a month? I used around 15,000 a month for food before, so I think I can work that out again. What do you think an average one room apartment at 53,000 a month will be once you include all the other fees??

Also, any ideas on phone services or anything? I checked out Houstek's Guide, and it's pretty useful, (already set up the service) but it still costs me $$ from paypal when I get a call, even though it is cheaper than directly calling international. I'll leave calling friends and family to skype, so I'm looking for a phone in Japan for domestic calling/receiving, possibly video recording, a way to transfer it to the computer, and that's about it. Any ideas on plans or thoughts about softbank vs docomo?


Damn you eat cheap.

I assume it's somewhere in Tokyo you're going? Thing is, I'm currently searching for housing there, and if it's not too much trouble, could you tell me how you found the apartment? Where is it situated, and how big was the move-in cost? I think I'm on roughly the same budget as you.

I understand you have things of your own to deal with, but any help here is appreciated!

PS. What language school?
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