Originally Posted by MMM
You asked why people would change and I answered. If you want to rationalize that way, that's fine. Every country goes through political turns and changes.
Eh, where did I ask you why people would change o.o
Anyway the point i'm making is that unless trends change, the people of America are eventually going to repeat mistakes of the past. Since America is a super power, who they vote in obviously effects the rest of the globe.
Originally Posted by MMM
Naturally I cannot guarantee either Obama or McCain can win. I think a lot has to happen and will happen over the next 5 months. But just know that to even have a black man be nominated as the Democratic nominee is a huge deal in America, and it does show progress and shows the world that America may not be quite as racist as the world often thinks.
Oh yes but choosing a president on the merit of colour and to appease the rest of the world based on one issue, (the progress America makes on racism) isn't really a healthy way to go about things. I'm sure for that reason, Obama has been trying to show some backbone which is the right way to go about things. There's things I still disagree with him on but as a whole, I guess he is the "much" lesser of two evils