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(#52 (permalink))
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RegPaq (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 68
Join Date: Jun 2008
06-05-2008, 07:57 PM

I was born in OC cali. My mom was born in tokyo and my grandma is 100% making me 25%, but my rgandma and my mom both married white men and i got their traits so i dont look a quarter at all. I was raised in japanese culture at my grandmas house when i was very young until around 10 or 11. but when she passed I pretty much lost all my ties to the culture besides my aunt i hardly see. I didnt become interested until recently in it and I look white so I feel like I am little but techinically im not, i guess. But I dont go too far with it at all, like (no offense because i know a lot of people like it here) but i think cosplay is weird and I dont listen to j music, watch little anime, read only one manga, but I immerse myself in the langauge and culture. My major is international business with emohasis on japanese, so...
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