Originally Posted by tommasi
Yea, but it depends on how you define drop dead gorgeous...
In Japan, there is a perception among people that, foreign men have bad taste in Japanese women.
I noticed this as well and I personally think that's the reason why Japanese men are not upset about foreigners taking our women.
Japanese men have a definition of beauty. It's not universal, but there are standards. Obviously not all Japanese women fall into that catagory. Men from other countries might have different definitions of beauty. Some overlap with Japanese men's ideas, and some don't. I knew foreign guys in Japan that liked big girls. I knew some that liked really tall girls. These are two types of women Japanese men tend not to be attracted to.
You can call it "bad taste" if you want, but it's just a matter of preference and culture. I knew Japanese guys that dated girls I found incredibly unattractive, so I guess it works both ways. If we all had the same tastes, there would be a lot of lonely people aout there.