Originally Posted by MMM
Sorry...that was Acidreptile.
If you think a single American voted for Obama because of his race "to appease the rest of the world" you don't know much about American people.
If you are froma country where minorities have been elected president or prime minister, I can understand not thinking its a big deal, but please don't minimize my statement by even insinuating Americans would choose a minority for president to look nice for other countries. That's just silly.
Huh? Even IF that was what I meant, how are you supposed to know a single American didn't vote just to appease the rest of the world, indirectly at least.
That is, how do you know a single American who votes for Obama isn't effected by the negative press they get throughout the world and thus votes for Obama, to appease that negative press.
Not even the great MMM can make a statement so generic and expect it to hold water.
Now that isn't even what I was trying to say but I was replying to what YOU said about Obama being black and it being viewed as a progressive attitude toward racism. I merely stated that Obama needed to show more backbone to be voted in and not rely on his colour and that is what he has been doing.
As for this bullshit about Obama being Muslim and the fact that his father wasn't practicing etc etc.. that just goes to show the lame brain power of a lot of people who are even bringing this up. I can't believe people are so ignorant to assume that there is a war going on against Islam and Muslims. I mean, this has been the accusation of many Muslims against the West and it has been denied by the West all the time. Instead, organisations such as Al-Qaeda have been made the subject of the "war on terror".
So why would you even be stupid enough to say that you are actually having a war against Muslims? Do you realise what that would mean for your country?
Even if Obama WAS Muslim, what has that got to do with you?
The guys an idiot anyway, saying his father wasn't "religious". He just spun his story around to cater for the American audience. I'm sure if he was running for President in a majority Muslim country, saying anything like that would be the very last thing on his mind and his story would be different.
Also his stance on Jerusalem is no surprise. I'm sure whatever president that America gets, there will always be arms dealings with Israel under the table as there always have been.

However, I would still vote for Obama since he is still the lesser of two evils though his weak character goes a long way to change my mind.