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loveskyliemole (Offline)
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thank you;) - 06-06-2008, 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by stringperson View Post
mmm, this type of question has no simple answer. It depends on not only what country you are from, but also what state, town, socio-economic background - all that stuff. Say how you are, what comes naturally won't be wrong no matter what anyone says.
kon ni chi wa stringpoerson,
Yes I agree. It really depends.

so Can you give me your advise
how I can tell new Japanese English learners
about "how are you" thing?

most of the English text books in Japan,
it doesn't tell this thing,
I mean
for example
some books written by Japanese who lived in USA
many of them say
"don't use HOW ARE YOU? nor I AM FINE"
those are way too polite.
but other books written by someone lived in England.Australia or NewZealand,
They say different things.

Many of Japanese people learning English, they want to use English IN JAPAN,
that means we will have chance to meet people from various countries.
We don't want to be rude or anything.

You may think I am worried too much, but....

One of my friends from England,
She didn't like it when one of my co-workers(japanese boy)
said to her "What's up,man?" .
The Japanese boy was studying English for a year with an American teacher
at "N" English School in Japan.
His English level was not very high.
He only could say very simple things, but
he wanted to use lots of slangs which he believed that's the natural and cool way to talk.

but I thought and think while we are beginner of the foreign language,
better use "polite(r) way" rather than slangs.

oops I'd better go to bed now it's 3am!

kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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