Originally Posted by Nathan
Well, it all depends on how close you are to each other.
If you do know each other well, you can carry on in the "so, how was X" style.
Some variations include: "Hey, how was X", "So hey, how was X"
Maybe you have some news of your own to share:
"(Hey,) Did you hear about (Hamasaki's baby boy / the typhoon in Kobe / )"
"Guess what happened (this weekend / to John / in Australia)"
"Did you (catch the news / watch the (game/movie))?"
If you don't know much about them, you can try general "probe" questions to see what interests them. Try general topics, like celebrities, sports, etc.
Somewhat similar to the above:
- "Did you watch the Tigers game last night?"
- "I like your (hat). Where did you get it?"
- Even more generic: "Anything exciting happen on the weekend?"
As stringperson said, there are a number of ways. It varies.
wow, thanks for the great advise!
I have been learning alot from you, Nathan
I hope you can come to
so that
I could help you with your Japanese.