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loveskyliemole (Offline)
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hahaha - 06-07-2008, 05:53 AM

Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
「N」はノーバ英会話でしたか? とても悪い英会話学� �と思いました。私は一年半ノーバで働きました。 (¬� ��)
Yeah, studying slang when you are a beginner makes you sound strange. It's like a beginner in Japanese not using "こんにちは、和弘さん!お元気ですか?” and instead saying "よ!和弘!マイド!元気や?”

hahaha so you lived in Kansai area when you were in Japan?

The N(you are right) school did many things wrong to the teachers and the students, many of the teachers HAD to leave Japan, many of the students had no where to go to study English even they paid a lot of money already,
and not only that, many of Japanese people started doubting about all English Education related businesses so some of English schools also had to be closed.

There are still many English schools(they call themselves "School"but they don't deserve to be call that) keep cheating I am afraid.

You might have noticed that there are many many Japanese "English teachers" can't speak English!

I want to be an English teacher, teaching at elementary school or junior high, so I am going to back to uni to get qualified.

I am qualified as a home-ec teacher, but not English. My major wasn't English.

oops I talked about something not related to the topic, please forgive me


kylie Mole Rules I miss her !!!!

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