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filiadragongurl (Offline)
Japan Extraordinaire
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06-07-2008, 01:08 PM

ChibiNeko-san, I suggest you get a book with dialogs in it that teaches you grammer along the way. That way if you find someone to help you over AIM you can go through planned lessons and just get the extra help from a real person to explain it better and practice it outloud with. If you have any specific questions about Japanese grammer, I could prob help you out, and my AIM is the same as my forum name.

Oh, I also have yet to find any people from Japan who have AIM... they tend to have Skype or MSN. Not quite sure why^_^; Maybe they think the "America Online" part means that they can't join??

Kumiko-san, you're Japanese, right? Do you actually have AIM?? I'm just curious since you responded...

Good luck to you both!
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