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06-07-2008, 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by EveV
First off me, the creator, never said anything about fangirls.
( And if I did forgive me I was typing on anger.)
I pointed out that they tend to be the ones using the word way more.
There's hypocritical stuff all over JF take it up with this user not with the thread.
I don't like suicide and other words being mocked either but I'll use a quick quote to explain myself from a Pm I got from MMM, " I can't fight every battle on my own"
I'm addressing this issue because it's the one that stood out to me and it's overly popular.
Also because when I did indeed address the users I was treated very rude.
I even got a " I'm a mod I can do what I want"
If users have cooperated and simply kept the mis-use of the word off JF I would've never made this thread.
Instead they tossed their heads back and pretended like rape is some simple thing you can just senselessly mock.
Well, it isn't.
you may have not said about fangirls but the finger is pointed as them [I included of course] since they represent the big chunk of ones who use the word "rape" in insensitive ways.
I believe I was referring that this thread brings out the hypocrite in one. I made that point clear in my earlier post.
maybe he did that unintentionally and typed that in anger, I wouldn`t know about that .. but complaining about offensive words when he himself used one in the same statement ... it`s a bit contradictory.
also it may have been an isolated case [I should read the whole thread though :|] but still ...
pies: excuse me in advance if what I said is inflamatory [ehmm I think this word is not correct] and pass undue judgement.
that`s what mostly happens when someone comes and shatters their little fuzzball where everything goes along their line. in this case the shameless using of the word "rape", even though I state again that it wasn`t meant to be taken seriously. I do believe we are as supportive about rape as we are about suicide.
indeed these are matters not to be taken lightly but on this forum I don`t think we mocked in malice someone who got raped or did ever intend to offend someone by using that word.
in the case members here did that with cruel intentions ... now that`s the bad juju.
people get pissed rather easily as it seems. maybe you just approached them wrong, even though I have no clue about that and I`m here to find myself in business. but your try to make users not to take the word "rape" so lightly was I suppose interpreted differently and thus the whole bashing scene.
even so.. you shouldn`t have been treated the way you were.
"I tell you what's really ridiculous - going into a bookstore and there's all these books about yourself. In a way, it feels like you're already dead."