Originally Posted by Miyavifan
question about a paragraph...
I'm hoping for a reply soon, if possible.
Is this translated correctly?
It looks like the day came for you to leave. It's a sad day now.
I hope to see you in another group, someday. It would be even more sad if you never were in a group again.
I will miss you in meth.
1日がいなくなるためにあなたを迎えに来たように見え� �す。 現在、悲しい日です。
私は、別のもののあなたがいつか分類するのを見ること を望んでいます。 グループにあなたが二度といないなら、さらに悲しいで しょうに。
To be honest, your translation has big issues. The biggest one is that you sound more like a robot than a person. I wouldn't mind doing it for you if it weren't about
メタンフェタミン = methamphetamine