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(#178 (permalink))
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Asakura (Offline)
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06-08-2008, 07:45 AM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
Oh my!!!... It's really that expensive in America!!! I wouldn't be able to survive over there then. Here in France, I have an insurance for $300 per year (the most expensive choice). With this, I have all medical visits (seing doctors, dentists etc) refunded 100%, same with all prescription medicine etc... If I didn't have the insurance, last year, I would have spent $5k. But because of insurance, it only cost me $300. With what you described about America, I don't think I could afford it, and I don't see how most of the middle class can either
Alot of them can't, that's the point man

Ubi concordia, ibi victoria
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