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(#189 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
06-08-2008, 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Again with the "suspicious". None of the anti-Obama folk will explain what there "suspicions" are. Just that he is "suspicious" and "shady" (two words used on this thread).

If you want to call him a socialist in terms that he thinks all people should have access to at least a certain level of basic services, then yes, I would agree.

Rebublicans use the word "socialism" as a equal to "communism" and it confuses people.

There is an effort to institute socialized medicine in the US. Socialized medicine is the standard for most industrialized nations in the world. Japan, UK, Canada, France, most of Europe, most of Asia is socialized medicine. The US is not. We have to pay incredible insurance costs that generally do not actually pay when a real crisis happens.

Why don't they pay? Because health care is so expensive.

Why is health care so expensive? Because the lawsuit insurance the health care providers pay is so high, they have to charge that much.

Why is the lawsuit insurance so high? Because people are paying out-of-pocket for heathcare, and at these prices, if they don't get served perfectly, they sue.

Bottom line: Health care is a business in America when it shouldn't be.

Socialism Socialism Socialism...

We have socialized police forces. You don't have to have insurance to call the police in America. Call 911 and they will arrive.

We have socialized fire departments. You don't have to have insurance to have the right to call the fire department. Your house is on fire, they will come.

And yet, if you break your ankle trying to help a neighbor get a cat out of a tree you will expect to pay around 800 dollars...just for the ambulance ride to the hospital! That is before the ER entry fees...

[I repeat myself because blind people cannot see]

Obama has denounced his preacher. He has rejected his comments and is no longer a member of that church.

On the same subject:

McCain has denounced his preacher. He has rejected his comments and is no longer a member of that church.

Would you want to be held responsible for something someone else said?

I won't even go into how ignorant your implications of Obama supporting our enemies, just to save you the embarrassment.

Open up your eyes, my friend. America's economy is in the sh*tter. We are being forced to pay for a war we can't afford. Our allies are pulling out. unemployment jumped just this MONTH. HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of jobs have been lost in America THIS QUARTER. Millions are losing thier homes to the mortgage crisis. Schools are firing teachers and librarians by the busloads. Our government gives tax breaks to corporations that are sending all their low-wage work to India and China. We used to fret about our trade imbalance with Japan 20 year ago over a few hundred million dollars. Our trade imbalance with China is in the billions! I haven't even mentioned gas prices.

So yes. We need a CHANGE. Americans want CHANGE. Obama will bring that to us. McCain won't.

Actually, I did mention the suspicous circumstances: SEE THE REZCO TRIAL.

His denunciations of the church are spurious and disingenuous. He can't have a personal friend and mentor for 20 years, sit in that person's church for 20 years, and say, "I never heard any of that."

Socialism is not equal to communism. No one said it was. that doesn't make it ok. Not all Americans confuse socialism with communism. Americas police and fire are not a socialist system.

You won't delve into his support of people who want to see us ruined, our enemies. Why not?

Yes other nations have socialized health care. And it usually stinks. Limited facilities in which people have to wait forever for treatment. the costs are related to inability for health insurers to compete and lawsuits. socialized medicine is not the answer. You want the government, which botches evertything, to control your health care?

You obviously know nothing about the housing crisis, which is not a crisis. We never dipped into recession. The fear mongers in the liberal media got your goat and you believed it. Most houses lost were not homes. they were houses bought as investments by people who over-reached. they are also the result of people using exotic loan plans to buy houses they could not afford. they signed paper-work that said the mortgage will rise in two to three years. They failed to refinance before the mortgage changes. It was greed, pure and simple.

You obviously don't own a house in california.

You obviously get your news from terrible sources.

Yet again you mention Obama's Change. never said what the change is going to be. He is an ultra left socialist, which is not what the U.S. is about.

His leftie supporters like you usually attempt to pretend you are on moral high ground and make dispariging little comments at me in your defense of Obama. Your eyes are closed very tight indeed.
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