Standing sill in Tengu Geta -
06-08-2008, 03:43 PM
I have been a fan of Geta for a long time and have had a pair since 1983.
I have always wanted Ippon ba and as I found myself in Tokyo I bought a pair.
I tried them right away and found I was a natural. Many people I have let try them out have had big problems which I found strange. My first time in Tengu felt natural, I could walk and even run in them. The only thing I had trouble with was standing still.
Well today I mastered the technique and wish to pass it on to you.
To stand still or to be stationary in Ippon Ba...
First I will say that Tengu are not normal shoes and you can in no way expect them to behave in the same way.
The secret to standing still is firstly to do with the brain and secondly understanding what your body is giving in feedback.
The brain is used to standing on feet or in normal shoes so the messages it requires are defeated with tengu.
The way around this is to take your dominant foot (the one you kick with) and angle the toe forward, your passive foot should be just ahead of the dominant with the heal angled down.
I am right footed so...
Right is / and left is \ but only at a slight angle with the left foot slightly ahead of the right.
At first you will need a steep angle but as time goes by the angle and distance of the feet will decrease and soon it will look very natural.
I have been able to stand still like this for over 1/2 hour tonight speaking to people while not tottering around and looking off balance.
i hope this helps.
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