Originally Posted by Paul11
Bwa hah hah.
You believe a politician just because he used the word denounce?
I love you guys. If I put up an argument you always say "You actually believe him?"
Originally Posted by Paul11
Everyone gets health care in the US. Even if they don't have health insurance. Have you seen the signs in hospitals. I have seen many people die and seen many many people sent to the hospital in the ambulance. The system is amazing. When in Japan the doctors couldn't even diagnose a case of tonsiltius.
Yes, we have the best doctors in the world, I have no doubt about it.
A friend of mine got food poisoning a little while back. He was from a different state, so we learned the hard way that his health insurance didn't cover any care out of the state. The ambulance ride (15 minutes) was 800 dollars. The cost for care (about 90 minutes...they wouldn't let him spend the night, even though he was still nauseous) was 2500 dollars.
3300 dollars for an ailment as common as food poisoning. I ask Noodle or Ivon or Koaku or anyone else from a country outside the US if they would expect to pay that much.
Imagine then getting cancer. Imagine having an insurance company that decides your cancer is too expensive to cure. Your liver transplant is too expensive. Your brain surgery is too expensive. I don't think that happens in other countries.
Should life-threatening illnesses put you in bankruptcy? Even if insurance covers 90% of expenses, bills of 200,000 or 500,000 or even a million dollars are not uncommon for serious illness. Again, I ask our non-American friends if they would be expected to sell their home to pay their medical bills.
Originally Posted by Paul11
Yes, I do judge people by thier past crimes and the company they keep. It says a lot about an individual.
McCain too? Do I need to tell you about the company he keeps? Besides all the lobbyists forced to quit his campaign (though dozens still are working for him) and, well, President Bush, there are a lot of people closely tied to McCain that may make you want to reconsider. It depends on what issues are close to you...
Originally Posted by Paul11
McCain has shown many times a strong ability to reach across party lines. Obama has never ever done anyhting out of step with the extreme liberal arm of the Democrat party. He has the done nothing in Washington D.C. and is considered the most liberal momber of congress.
Obama is a consistant Democrat, where McCain is all over the map. The most extreme liberal? That's in the eye if the beholder...many reserve that title for John Kerry. I have never heard anyone call Obama the most extreme liberal before today.
Originally Posted by Paul11
Barak will never solve the energy crisis because he is against drilling, against nuclear energy, against everything except making everything prohiitively expensive, which crushes the working class. Or over regulating things, which liberals tend to do (just look at thier primary rules) which tends to destroy economies.
Look at McCain's voting record on drilling in Alaska. He's voted against it, too. Nuclear is fine, just where do you put the waste? What do you propose? The "gas-tax vacation" for the summer? That's McCain's idea. Give Americans 18 cents back every gallon. Of course, the price of gas has gone up 60 cents a gallon since he proposed it...
Originally Posted by Paul11
I understand your hope for change, but it's not in a smooth-talking do nothing Obama who's personal friends are criminals and terrorists (yep, home grown leftie convicted ones about whom he said, "I didn't know he did that." Bull pucky.)
If you really want to rate the presidential nominees by their friends then McCain scares me MUCH more than Obama. Who is friends with George Bush? Who is friends with Dick Cheney? Who has proposed keeping our troops in Iraq for the next 100 years? I'll take a shady businessman and a war protestor who commited crimes when Obama was at the ripe old age of 8. McCain's campaign is full of lobbyists. Yes the very people he said he would drive out of Washington. Washington, where he has worked for the past 20 years. NOW he will make changes.
Originally Posted by Paul11
P.s. I mention California because it was the biggest housing bubble and the center of the housing crisis. People werern't really duped. All these people were going for exotic loans as a way to buy a house they really couldn't afford. Soem didn't read the fine print or understand the deal? Maybe, that's why you don't sign a contract for something so expensive if you don't understand what you're doing.
Maybe so. But it happened to millions of Americans. So if we want to say they were all stupid, fine, but that doesn't deny the fact that a crisis is upon us. One that shouldn't have happened in the first place.