Originally Posted by Paul11
I can explain. For example, recently, McCain co-authored an immigration bill with arch-liberal Senator Ted Kennedy in which illegal immigrants already in the states would effectively be given amnesty. This was in direct opposition to what most Republicans (McCain's party) and conservative supporters wanted. It was ultimatley shot down. But it was a huge hand across the party divide.
In contrast, you can research Obama's voting record since he was a local politician in Chicago (huge mob town) through his career in Washingto D.C. His votes never waver from left wing of Democrat party. He also is reletively inexperienced and has not really done anything. He's a real good talker.
I don't agree with some of McCains policies, but if you look back as far as you can you will notice every election is about the lesser of two evils. I think Obama will be hugely damaging to our republic. McCain less so.
That wasn't McCain's "putting a hand across" as much as McCain being McCain and going against his party. It's for these very reasons Republicans in his home state of Arizona were very much against his nomination. It always worries me when the home state leaders...the guys that actually know him...don't want him as President.