06-08-2008, 09:29 PM
One of my favourite Manga series was Phoenix by Osamu Tezuka. Then Vertical Inc released his Buddha series. It was a big risk but people bought it and so they released other works such as Apollo's song, Mw, Ode To Kirihito, and now Dororo.
Now you may say "I've never heard of these" and that's the whole point, it's a small company who are trying to bring us great manga, and they can only do that if people buy it. If nobody bought Buddha then we'd not even of heard of these other works.
At one time I would say "support the small company" because I believed the big companies were ok, would carry on regardless, but this post shows that if you like what the big companies are producing, if you want them to release more manga or anime shows, then you have to support them in this. End of story.
Last edited by Haggis : 06-08-2008 at 09:34 PM.