Thread: Alcohol
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(#323 (permalink))
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Crani (Offline)
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06-08-2008, 11:32 PM

I don't drink much, since I'm still underaged, I had my first drink on New year 2007, at the age of 14, and it was a bit of champagne, just for the laughs of it. This week I took the liberty (since it was I went to a Music fest and though: What the ai!) of trying beer, a bit of Vodka and a thing called "Caipirão" (it's a mixture between Licor Beirão and Caipirinha, it was actually good), I didn't much since it was pretty expensive (2 euros for 33cl, what a rip!) but I didn't what was the big deal with Beer, it tasted like vomite to me, the Vodka was ok and Caipirão was a little sweet which made it taste better.

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