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(#210 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
06-09-2008, 02:08 AM

MMM - You are distorting facts again. McCain made a comment about 100 years and Iraq. He did not say we would be fighting there for 100 years. You know, we just can't leave now. Then the cleansing and mass murder would start on a level unprecedented. People are turning out extremists and siding with the U.S. now because they know we're winning and have proved we won't just abandoned them. I know this because I've talked to soldiers and leaders in the armed forces. Also, because the Democrat leaning press doesn't want you to know this.

And you showed your stripes as a true shrill liberal when you point out that McCain is freinds of Bush and cheney. He's also pals with Hill Clinton. I love it when you people blame Bush for everthing. Bush this and Bush that. Get off it. I don't want the guy in there any longer either, but he's done some good things as well. I'm privy to security briefs from certain agencies, and let me tell you - tons of attacks within the States have been averted from terrorists within. This is something you won't hear from the lopsided press.

An Ivan - The medical is expensive because of rules prohibiting competition between health care providers and the meddling of trial lawyers suing institution for millions. that doesn't mean we should just socialize the system and let the govmn't run it. That would generat more waste. In England health care is not as expensive, but it's also not as readily available. we hear nothing but horror stories of Brits made to wait until they die because resources are so thin. brittish doctors deplore their own system and report it's on the brink of collapse. De-regulate the sytem and allow for competition always lowers prices. Over-regulating only stifles a system.

Last edited by Paul11 : 06-09-2008 at 02:13 AM.
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