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are1989 (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Japan study at undergraduate level? - 06-09-2008, 06:19 PM

Hi guys, The question of studying abroad in Japan is something that is asked quite regulary on this forum but I wanted to give my own situation and see what people thought my options were.
I am 18 years old and currently just finishing my BTEC National Diploma in IT at college (in the uk). I am taking a gap year where I will work for 6 months and spend 6 months in japan, and have been taking 1 private and 1 night lesson at university for 2 years so my Japanese is nowhere near fluent but I can talk in everyday conversations with little trouble.
After the gap year I'd like to study in japan at university but am having trouble finding good information on the subject. Can I study Japanese in Japan on an Undergraduate course? My brother is currently on a course in China studying Mandarin and Bussiness at Beijing University and he began with VERY limited knowledge of the language but I know Japan is probably very different.
So can people offer me some advice of where to look and things?
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