Well, long story short: I liked the Myzura character and the diverege from the original story line she took, so i thought of expanding this story. Myzura (Musashi) is the protogonist here. She's on her way to kill Tzar of Russia while Chris (me) want's to revenge his sister that was killed by Myzura couple of Years ago. And new-baked (at the time You, fuu, created them) Charlie and her friend Raian fits in this picture perfectly. Well, basically Myzura and Chris just had a fight in a fountain in Cairo, and both are uncouncess after someone (i thought of one of Your chars here, fuu) knocked Chris out... now something has to happen... well, c'mon...
Originally Posted by fuu
I'm alittle lost here because I've been doing the story 2 . I know where we left off but are Suzette and Yamato in this one too? I'm thinking I should change my character a little so she's not like the one in the other story. What do you think? Someone go first and I'll jump on in.
Nope, as I said this is a spawn out of the original story so they are not here (at least now, but if someone of You guys are reading this, i am not the one who is going to say "NO" if you want to join in). And as none of new character names were mentioned in this part of story, feel free to edit the old ones or create some new, it's your choice
PS. maybe we should create a new thread and move this story there?