thank you so much, this link is already helpful:どん ぐり ころ ころ song I have on DVD with some other songs, and they are played at the japanese kindergarten play group twice a month...those doo-yoo songs are followed with a rather complicated series of hand games.If baby recognises the song, she 'd easier follow the group .
I am an ESL teacher myself and use the skills to teach the baby my native language. And know that even the mother tounge must be taught, by the simple interaction of everyday chores the variables of the language are not properly trained, and here serve those games and rhymes.
How come a man does not remember any? It may be,that too many years of proper training deleted early memories
, I also have to revise them for self.
The toddler needs abot 50 times repetition to acquire a new word combination or a skill. Just few phrases in the evening and 1,5 hours once a week in "class" bring little effect.
The very funny thing is that the kindergarten instructors are not cooperative to provide any of their learning materials to copy. We are the only couple here with a non-japanese wife.Maybe, they simply don't realise how come we don't know those very basic things. And I have to collect them by little bits.
Anything now would help.
this is the concept in English
Super Simple Songs - Easy English songs for kids. does anything like this exist in Japanese?