Hi there, I'm doing a project for my Japanese class, and I have to describe which fashion I like. Here's what I put:
わたし の すき な ファッション は ふつう の ファッションです。 みどり と あか と あおい と しろい の ふく が すき です。 シャツ と ショツ が だい すき です。ぼ くの すき な ふく は なつ の ふく ですから、ハンズボン と シャツ を きます。
Is everything correct? if possible could you give me a translation so I can see if it sounds right?
what I'm trying to say is: My favorite fashion is summer fashion. I like green, red, blue, and white cloths. I really like shirts and shorts. My favorite cloths are summer cloths, so I wear shorts and shirts.
Kinda sounds funny in English, so I'm hoping it sounds alright in Japanese

Its alright if its a bit formal, because we really haven't gone into too much casual stuff yet.
Thanks a lot for your help, I really need a fast reply.