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(#255 (permalink))
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SailorBratt18 (Offline)
grrrr to you too buddy!
Posts: 69
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: California
06-10-2008, 03:08 PM

I have been watching this entire campaign and I must say that I'm not impressed at all. America is screwed either way we go. I just hope that whoever wins gets A) impeached B) doesn't start a nuclear war or C) leaves as soon as his 4 years are up.

If I HAD TO pick.... it would probably be McCain. Why? I'm an Independent with a Republican twist. I personally believe that the war in the Middle East should be finished. We got ourselves and others mixed up in it, we might as well finish what we started. It may not have been the brightest idea but what's in the past is in the past. We need to be looking towards the future. I wonder what will just happen if we leave Iraq before the real problems are solved.... a scary future that not many of us want to think about. Yes, peace is a necessity and something we have gone without for a long time. But can there really be peace when madness seems to be running the world? I think we could get alot farther if we finished the war. THAT is why I would vote for McCain and no other reason.

as small as a world and as large as alone

~+MeMbEr Of ThE VaMpIrE cLaN+~
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