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(#12 (permalink))
Paul11 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 546
Join Date: May 2008
06-11-2008, 03:36 AM

Originally Posted by JapanMan2 View Post
Judo and Jiu Jistu are much better than akido, because they are more practical and give you a better work out. They are also the more dominant fighting styles, meaning that a Judo guy or Jiu jistu guy would be more likely to win against a Akido guy
Yeah, I agree to a point. Aikido only becomes practical if you do it a long time. At that point your not resorting to "moves" anymore, but able to understand balance and body mechanics enough to deal with whatever is presented.

I found that my aikido training adequately prepared me for jui jitsu folks because I was able to soften up, move and counter. But you got to mix it up. Modern Aikido folk sometimes think it's like a religeon and say theres no punching, etc.

If you take it as a martial art and throw in your punches, kicks, you should be ok.
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