Originally Posted by Paul11
The reason some people see muslims as violent and harbor a murderous hatred of America is because so many of them from all over the world say so. Dancing in the streets and telling us they want to kill all jews and americans.
Very few muslim leaders stand-up and express a more reasonable view. People understand not all muslims feel that way, but it's what we keep seeing and hearing. It's nothing new. For the last thirty years I see it over and over again. Some people find thaqt a bit disturbing.
Unfortunately, you're right and that's how a lot of people see it. But, if you were to see a vegetarian eat meat, would you still call him a vegetarian? That's how I see all these so called "muslims". They say they are muslim, but don't follow their religion. That's a joke. What's sad, is that people judge a religion by these people, and don't go and find out the truth. Islam is a peaceful religion, but I'm pretty sure, most people don't that. From a young age, they're taught about all the religious wars, and now in todays world, there's another "religious" war. So in turn, you get more and more atheists and more and more discrimination towards religions.