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Akakage (Offline)
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Posts: 35
Join Date: Apr 2008
06-11-2008, 01:12 PM

I might actually want to add something:
i think thats all natural, if you are a kid you see something that fascinates you (like a airplane) and you say "Daddy, when i grow up i want to be a pilot". When you are a teenager you see a anime and say " i want to live in Japan and be a singer, mangaka, karata master,...." which is more realistic than your first dreams, but not to much. Sadly most people loose that "fantasy" after that age and just get to realistic and forget about their dreams, because they are hard to achieve, or everyone tells you its not possible,.... but i think if you really want to do something, you can do anything! Its just that basically you should finish school first and stand on your own feet before you start chasing dreams around the world.
Well thats all just my thoughts, so you don't have to agree with me (but im happy if you do )
I think this is very true. As you get older your interests change dramatically. But some things stick with you. It's those things that stick with you that you must give try to do or it will eat at you forever. When I was younger I was into football so for a while that became my life. Then one day while watching ESPN2, they showed a surfing contest. When I saw surfing I had to try it. I eventually ended up going to Hawaii and fell in love with place. I took a break from it because surfing was taking up WAY to much of life and I started to neglect things I shouldn't have been. I became interested in Chinese culture and took some time out and visited Taiwan to learn Mandarin. But the one thing that has always stuck with me is my interest in Japan, so I've set my sights on going there. Traveling is such a privilege and if you can do it, take advantage of the opportunity! There's so much of the world to experience...before you decided to make your life in one location...why not experience other places first. Who knows, you may like some place better than Japan.
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