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godwine (Offline)
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06-11-2008, 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
Yeah, I agree to a point. Aikido only becomes practical if you do it a long time. At that point your not resorting to "moves" anymore, but able to understand balance and body mechanics enough to deal with whatever is presented.

I found that my aikido training adequately prepared me for jui jitsu folks because I was able to soften up, move and counter. But you got to mix it up. Modern Aikido folk sometimes think it's like a religeon and say theres no punching, etc.

If you take it as a martial art and throw in your punches, kicks, you should be ok.
I don't know if i agree that Judo and Jiujitsu being the "dominating" art. I am a firm believer that any art is useful as long as you train hard and properly in it.

As far as one art going up another is concern, there is no studies done to backup any claim, to be able to conclude which is a better art, you need to setup and compare apples to apples. There is also the rules involved, putting up a Thai Boxer against a Jiujitsu person using grappling rules will benefit the Jiujitsu person, while if you put them up against a Strike Only rule, that will probably beneif the thai boxer, and of course, putting someone that has 1 year training, but train 8 hours a day in Muay thai versus someone that train part time in Jiujitsu.. etc etc etc... there are all king of factors involved to justify such a claim
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