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Henbaka (Offline)
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06-12-2008, 06:56 AM

Originally Posted by Hatredcopter View Post
I didn't say they shouldn't go, I said it's not a good reason to go. On vacation, sure, it's a fine reason, but not fine if you're talking about spending years of your life there.

Regarding your scenario, I've witnessed this first-hand. On my exchange program to Japan in the 06-07 academic year, the other guy who got accepted to the program besides me was a die hard otaku. Spent hours a week watching anime and such. I think he had a bit of an epiphany during his stay in Japan, because after a month went by during the exchange, he didn't give a hoot about anime and he became more serious about learning more things about Japan and the Japanese language. I was happy to see that change in him.

My message wasn't really supposed to 'deter' otakus from wanting to live in Japan, it was more of a forewarning that Japan may be a lot different than they expect - that's why in a lot of my other posts I've urged people to visit Japan before deciding they want to ship off and live there. And by visit, I mean longer than just a vacation, because a week spent in Akiba isn't really experiencing Japan for what it is.
Yeah, I see your points. I guess what i oppose is the "not good enough reason" part. Perhaps yours or mine reasons to go to Japan ain't good enough for someone else...get what I mean? You were happy to see a change in that other guy because he changed into what you think is right, but not you nor me know which the "right" way to be is.

It's not like he was hurting anyone before, right?

And hell, just because someone says they wanna go live there for years and years, that shouldn't stop them from simply giving it up and returning home if it's nothing like they expected?
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