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(#88 (permalink))
JpopGirl (Offline)
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Posts: 3
Join Date: Jun 2008
06-12-2008, 12:35 PM

Well! I read everyones Post with an open mind!
I agree with some and some I don`t. the topic Rape is one of those loaded Guns topics that should be talked about but not made fun of. Yes the word Rape is used in many ways. But when you say that word it mean one thing to a woman.

This topic does upset me very much! I am a rape Victim! I was beaten and raped by 2 guys one day on the way home from school when i was 12 years old They grab me from behind and took me behind 2 houses and beat me until I blacked out. And I woke up in the Intensive care unit This not a joke! It really happen to me. I am 22 years old and I still live with everyday and will live with I for the rest of my life!

Yes! you all have the right to have your opinion and post your views I respect that! and I hope you have the same respect for mine?

We need to talk about it in a way that I help understand how we can prevent it from happening. I think this topic needs to be locked!
