Originally Posted by Hikikomori
Heh, I'm so jealous of you
Well, it would be an expensive start if you have to check into an hotel in the beginning. But you still have some time though.
So I guess you know your stuff when it comes to studying at a university in Japan, so if you don't mind I woul live to ask you some questions. There are some things I just can't find on the internet, and it's bothering me a lot.
1. How long does one semester at a japanese university last. In Norway it's from august- december or something, almost 6 months, is it the same in japan.
2. I thought that a school year in japan was starting and ending in february. Is it the same at a japanese university? I noticed that you are going to japan in september was it? So if I wan't to take my 3rd semester in japan, I could start right after summer then?
I hope I'm not bothering you : )
I got some friends there so hopefully I can use their couch instead of an expensive hotel, if that is the case
I'm doing an exchange year. The only choice was starting in Sept. which correlates with the semester here in Sweden roughly (we got the same as you guys, I believe).
But yeah, I believe my first semester will be from sept-(mid)february (holiday over christmas-new years though). Then there is a break until the next semester begins in early april and continues until the end of july.
I believe it's somewhat backwards compared to how japanese people go to school though, as you said (someone correct me if I'm wrong).
Tell me if that didn't answer your questions.