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(#481 (permalink))
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Tsuruko (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 45
Join Date: Jun 2008
06-13-2008, 08:59 AM

I own a large, and ever growing collection of kimono.

Second hand kimono are relatively cheap, most Japanese have a stigma on used kimono. Yet, this is relatively cheap in comparison to new kimono. New kimono can easily cost a few thousand dollars.

Buying second hand, you can expect to pay $100 or more for a single kimono, unless you're frugal enough to go after the right sites. One can score a good deal on Ebay, though most kimono sellers are in Japan, and the shipping can be a little pricey. A full ensemble, which includes the Kimono, the obi ( belt ), Juban ( underkimono ) along with a myriad of other accessories will run at least $100 for the most frugal person, yet it is a very rewarding hobby. There is really nothing more elegant then a kimono. : )

For those interested, I run a forum that is dedicated mainly to Kimono and Geisha, and I will be posting tutorials of how to dress properly in Kimono soon. : )
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