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(#80 (permalink))
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JF Ossan
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Join Date: Jun 2007
06-13-2008, 05:10 PM

Subpar or not, TokyoPop is (or was) the biggest manga producer in the US, and they just had to cut 40% of their staff and dozens of titles for publication.

One issue might be that much of what TokyoPop markets is for a teen audience, and who is most likely to DL for free, and may not even realize that what they are doing is wrong?

I am not saying teenagers are at fault, but teenagers certainly have less fluid cash for entertainment than adults and they may not realize that the sites are breaking the law. (How many times have people posted links to illegal sites on this forum saying "Check this out! The manga/anime is all free!"? It happends weekly.)

I would be curious as to what forum that was, too. I would like to see how they treat the industry they pretend to love.

And thanks koikurasu...I see fewer people trying to defend their free DL practices, which I hope means they are starting to get it.
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