Originally Posted by TalnSG
I agree that Obama is going to have a learning curve in that office that will be rough. He doesn't have a deep foreign affairs background. but if he can pick his cabinet and advisors well, he will be ok.
But I am afraid that McCain will rely too much on "how its always been done" and be even less open to rethinking failing policies. Even worse, I don't think the rank and file Republicans will listen to him once he is in office. My gut says he will be told to shut up an toe the party line. Despite an obvious backbone, I think unless it a public dispute he will give in to them. And face it, while his exposure to foreign affairs is first-hand, its also seriously limited. And unlike Obama, so is his experience with domestic policy. Its been pretty much what he knows of middle and upper class white America, and that isn't the majority anymore.
Neither one is someone I would really vote for. But its a better slate than the last several presidental elections. And anything is better than what we have now. (Dang - the village idiot is coming home next year! I wish someone else would take him - or maybe I should move farther north.)
Pretty much all of this. Well said TalnSG. They should look at the past before making future policies. Incidentally, I thought Republics were Democracies... XD.
But then again, Bush isn't all that bad. He's not as stupid as the media claim either. After all, how else would he have gained power...and twice?